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OUT NCW does not support any political party.

Human rights are not political talking points

Activism & Leadership

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OUT NCW’s Mission

OUT NCW’s Mission is to inspire leadership and advocacy for our local ​LatinX/Latine/Hispanic, BIPOC, disabled, and LGBTQIA2s+ communities through equity, ​activism, and the arts.

By providing leadership opportunities, volunteer opportunities, and educational ​conferences for young people in Washington we will get a head start in creating equitable ​spaces in all aspects of our communities.

The future of equity in leadership is through training and advocating for the newest ​generations to get involved in our communities. We want to open doors and create ​welcoming opportunities for those that follow.

Save the date:

Sept 22, 2024

Click on the basket to donate!

Out NCW is putting together a basket that attendees can win, by donation, ​for a darwing to Out NCW at the Diva Drag Brunch! All donations will go to ​Out NCW to help fund the 2025 Equity in Leadership Summit!

OUT NCW Board Members

President & Treasurer: Shayla Winter

Vice President of Marketing & Strategy: AJ Soto

Secretary: Troy Gonzalez

Coordinator of Youth Outreach & Programming: Diego Soto

In-House Counsel: Nicole Hankins Shepard

At-Large Member: Open

Interested in joining the board? Apply >>HERE<<!

Questions? Concerns?

Ready to donate or volunteer?

FEIN: 93-4185645 - PO Box 1453, Wenatchee, WA 98801 -

WA Legislation of note

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Improvements happen they take time, hard work and voting.

Section 1557 of the

Affordable Care Act